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New album " Parfaite et Impudique "

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design by Gaëlle Loth

A Bordeaux/Lyon-based Italian feminist synth-pop duo, Venetian-born former lovers Alice & Mariele create macabre, industrial-influenced electropop tunes with an allure of the sensual and the sexual. 


Their second album Parfaite et Impudique (Perfect and Shameless) has been released by FEINT on 24th October 2016 and their second single "Tout Nu" has been selected in the top ten electro-pop production from French national radio France Inter.

" a production pairing who want to blow the doors off their hinges, and then scrape out the jambs from the walls. Debut album 'Parfaite et Impudique (Perfect and Shameless)' is staggeringly original, matching kaleidoscopic sounds to some bizarre, provocative, and downright funny lyrics. "

from ClashMusic  


2016 - Montage et Post-Production: Lisa Cocrelle 

Ecouter l'album ici

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